Good Afternoon!
It is now April and the beginning of a new life for many students and workers in Japan. We here at Tokyo Repertory Singers wish everybody the best of luck on their new journeys.
As all of you know, the government declared a state of emergency in January in response to the rise of COVID-19 cases in Tokyo and several other areas of Japan. As a result, this choir altered its plans to hold in-person practice and held remote rehearsals until early March.
As the use of online conferencing tools is not conducive to practice singing as a group, TRS chose to focus its energy on studying the text of the music to be sung as well as practice pronunciation through lessons in phonetics and group diction coaching. English, Latin, and French are the three languages that the group is currently practicing.
The use of online digital audio workstations (DAW) also played a large role in the groups ability to practice rhythms, pitches (through use of solfege), and singing foreign language texts. Members would each record their assigned parts while listening to an accompaniment track. When all parts were recorded, the members could also listen for harmony and practice at home to prepare for in-person practice in March.
While COVID-19 cases are starting to rise in Tokyo again and there are an increasing number of recorded cases of variants of the virus, TRS is now holding hybrid rehearsals (in-person with the option to participate remotely) while thoroughly enforcing infection countermeasures. Our countermeasures can be seen here.
TRS had planned to hold concerts in 2021 but has since decided to postpone them until 2022. However, we are still considering participation in choral competitions and festivals.
Though these are difficult times, we are doing everything that we can to continue making music together as safely as possible and we hope to be able to bring music to all of you very soon.
Until then, we hope that everyone remains safe and healthy.
Kind Regards,
Tokyo Repertory Singers